We are Wanderlust


From the team who have empowered personal wellness for over 20 years.

Since 2009, Wanderlust has been dedicated to understanding, expanding and refining personal wellness.

Through bringing together world leaders in mindfulness, yoga, nutrition and holistic health, we’ve supported people around the world to find their true north.

Inspired by this spirit of exploration, our mission continues with a range of plant-active, herbal led supplements and wholefoods.

Combining a selection of organic, plant or naturally-derived ingredients every Wanderlust product is consciously created with intelligence and purpose, so you can positively support yourself and the planet.

We’re here to inspire and guide you at whatever stage of your wellness journey you’re in, whether it’s a recent endeavour or a deeply ingrained practice.


Better world. It starts with you.

At Wanderlust, we believe one of the most important things we can all do for ourselves and the world around us is to promote intentional self-care. The more each of us deepens our understanding of self, the clearer our pathway is not only to our own truth but to understanding and unearthing the potential of our self and others as well.

Only good can come from that. Change needs to be seeded on an individual level before it can spread further.

Unearth your potential.

Read more about our philosophy

Wanderlust is proud be joining the ranks of conscious organisations that are committed to using business as a force for good: we are now B Corp certified!

Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental

performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.

Together the B Corp community envisage a world where businesses strive to better the world, the lives of the people living in it, and the natural environment on which our quality of life depends.

Today there are over 4,200 Certified B Corps around the globe. We’re proud to be aligned with them in redefining success in business so that one day everyone uses business as a force for good.

To read more about our journey to becoming B Corp Certified, head here.


Since 2006, Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) have enabled organisations to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action to advance reconciliation.

Based around the core pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, RAPs provide tangible and substantive benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, increasing economic equity and supporting First Nations self-determination.

To see Wanderlust’s RAP, as endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, please click here.

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In 2024, Wanderlust has been recognised as one of the top 30 brands in the prestigious Good Company Awards. This honour celebrates our commitment to creating positive change through our impact work with our community partners. Being acknowledged among such impactful brands is a testament to our mission of helping people find their true north, while staying rooted in our values to create a better world.

What people are saying.